Viorel Mionel
Assistant Lecturer, Viorel MIONEL - Ph.D Student
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Position: Member
Teaching Experience:
  • February 2007 – May 2009: Teaching Assistant;
  • May 2009 – Present: Assistant Lecturer
Major Fields of Scientific Research:

  • Geopolitics
  • International relations
  • Economic geography
  • Social geography
  • Cultural geography
  • Urban geography
Membership in Scientific of Professional Bodies
  • Member of Romanian Geographic Society
International Experience:
  • Dutch – Romanian seminar at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences from Groningen, in cooperation with the Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development Studies of the University of Amsterdam (27 – 30 June 2007);
  • 31st International Geographical Congress: Building together our territories (12 – 15 August 2008);
Participation in Projects:
  • Research and extension of risk management through agropedoclimatic derivatives on climatic factors
    Tipe project: MAKIS. Grant funded by World Bank in colaboration with Romanian Government. Time: August 2008 - March 2010. Prof. Silviu Neguţ – project manager;
  • Creation Of A Trans-National Network For Interdisciplinary Research In The Field Of Political Studies, Cultural Studies, Public Administration And International Relations (2009);
Principal publications (max 10):
  1. Mionel V., Mionel O., 2009, Is the world undergoing a permanent crisis, “Revista Română de Geografie Politică”, Anul XI, nr. 1, 2009;
  2. Mionel V., Mionel O., 2009, Geoeconomia crizelor financiare, “Revista GeoPolitica”, anul VII, nr. 29,;
  3. Mionel V., Gavriş A., Kanovici A.L., 2008, Rolul diplomaţiei române în perioada postaderare – posibile soluţii ale conflictelor îngheţate din zona Mării Negre, “Revista GeoPolitica”, anul VI, nr. 28, (4/2008), ISSN 1583-543X;
  4. Vlad L.B., Mionel V, 2008, The Ethical, Epistemological, Economical, Social and Geopolitical Dimensions of Environmental Policies, ”Buletinul Societăţii de Geografie din România”, Ed. Universitară, Bucureşti, pag. 152, ISSN 1582-3962.
  5. Vlad L.B., Mionel V., 2008, Geodemographical Indicators With Social Effects On Post 1989 Romania, “Revista Română de Geografie Politică”, nr. 2, pag. 81, ISSN-1454-2749;
  6. Vlăsceanu G., Mionel V., 2008, Profilul şi dinamica turismului în state ale U.E., volumul dedicat “Congresului Anual al Societăţii de Geografie din România”, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, pag. 35, ISBN 978-973-610-712-2;
  7. Neguţ S., Neacşu M.C., Mionel V., 2007, EU’s Dependency on Russian Energy. Geopolitical considerations, “The Economic Journal/Jurnalul Economic”, Noiembrie 2007, Anul X, nr. 25 bis, pag. 295, ISSN 1454-2496.

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