Title, name: H.A. Prof. Mimi Kornazheva |
Organization: Department of European Studies, Faculty of Business and Management, “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse |
Position: Lecturer; Director of Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Center |
Teaching Experience: European Studies Bachelor Programme: Supervising European Studies graduate and post-graduate students |
Major Fields of Scientific Research: European integration:
International relations:
Membership in Scientific or Professional Bodies: Since 1997 – Member of Bulgarian Union of Scientists Since 1996 – Member of International Association of Crosscultural Competence and Management-Vienna 2002-2004 – Member of Steering Committee of Association for Regional Development of Ruse District Since 2001 – Member of Steering Committee of Elias Canetti International Society |
International Experience: Since 2009 – Tuning EU expert (Bulgarian Info Point) 2006 –2008 - Founder President of Ruse Club of Zonta International (international NGO) Since 2003 – Director of Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Center |
Participation in Projects: 2007 – 2008 Project leader of BRIDGE (Bulgarian-Romanian Initiative for Democracy as a Guard-post of Europe), a PHARE CBC project Since 2008 – Tuning Sectoral Framework fоr Social sciences Since 2003 – Tuning Educational Structures in Europe (Socrates-Tempus) 2001-2007 – Establishing BRIE, a project of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, coordinated by the German Rectors’ Conference 2000 - 2005- Network for European Studies in South Eastern Europe 1996-1999 - Bulgarian Management Institutions Development, British Know How Fund project 1996 -Tempus SME 1072-95 on Faculty Management 1995 – 1998 - Tempus JEP 07604-94 on Provision of Languages and European Studies at Bulgarian Universities
Research projects: 2004 – 2005 “Models of promoting and sustaining the tourism in the Danube areas” . PHARE – CBC project RO 01 03.05 – BG 0107.04 2003 –2004 “Theory and methods in the study of intercultural knowledge and interaction” – a project of the Research Institute for European Affairs, Vienna University of Economics and Business administration and the European Commission,Research DG, Human potential programme, High level scientific conferences. 2000 - 2001 “Europe of the Regions- Implications for Bulgaria” - aproject, financed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Research 2001 – 2002 “Prospects for a Euroregion at the Danube Bridge” – a project, financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education 1996 – 1998 “Culture and Management – Management and Culture”, funded by the Research Institute for European Studies, VUEBA |
Principal publications (max 10): Корнажева, M. Език и идентичност. Опит за диахронен анализ в европейски контекст ( под печат)
Contacts: “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse |