Viorel Mionel

Title, name:
Roumyana Petrova, Ph.D

Department of European Studies, FBM, University of Ruse, Bulgaria

Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Vice Head of the Department

Teaching Experience
23 years

Major Fields of Scientific Research
English Area and Culture Studies
Linguistic Culturology
Contrastive Linguistics

Membership in Scientific of Professional Bodies
International Association of Proverbial Linguistics
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria

International Experience
Over 10 specialiazions abroad (in England, U.S.A., Hungary) and 5 international specialization courses/seminars in Bulgaria  

Participation in Projects :

1. A Research into Language Facts and Phenomena from a Linguo-cultural Perspective (international project), Director: Assoc. Prof. Roussi Rusev, Ph.D.

A Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Project
Director: Dr. E. Piirainen

Principal publications (max 10)

1. Petrova, Roumyana. Language and Culture. One Step Further in the Search for Common Ground. A Study of Modern English Proverbs. - In: Europe: from East to West. Proceedings of the First International European Studies Conference. Varna, Bulgaria, June 1996. Eds. Martin Dangerfield, Glyn Hambrook, Ludmilla Kostova. PIC Publishers 1996, 237-248.

2. Petrova, Roumyana. Culture and Mass Culture. - In:  Jura Soyfer: Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kulturwissenschaften (Transl. from German: Yura Soyfer, 1997/4. S. 42-45.

3. Petrova, Roumyana. The Academic Essay in Anglophone Area  Studies. - In: University of Ruse Conference Proceedings. Vol. 37, series 6, Ruse, 1999, 202-204).

4. Petrova, Roumyana, Vladimir Vitkov, Vassil Pentchev, Lilia Vassileva. The State
Testing Center for Agricultural Machinery and Forestry Equipment in Ruse: A Case Study  (under the supervision of Prof. T. Singleton).  - In: BUCRA Conference Proceedings (Bulgarian Case Research Association). Faculty of Business and Management, University of Ruse, 1999, 63-75.

5. Petrova, Roumyana. Kosta Lulchev. In: Europe Since 1945. An  Encyclopedia. Bernard Cook, ed.. Vol. 1. New York & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001, p. 799.

6. Petrova, Roumyana. Unexpected Visitor. -  In: Mountain Laurels (Literary Journal of North Georgia College and State University). Vol.7 / 2001, рp. 33-35.

7. Petrova, Roumyana. Gender Aspects of English Proverbs. - In: Proverbium. Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship. Wolfgang Mieder, ed. No. 19 (2002), University of Vermont, 2002, pp. 337-348.

8. Petrova, Roumyana. A Contrastive Approach to Studying English and Bulgarian Proverbs about Knowledge as Cultural Texts. - In: Proceedings of the Fifth Fulbright Conference, Sofia, 16-18 May, 2002, pp. 277-287.

9. Petrova, Roumyana. Comparing Proverbs as Cultural Texts. - In: Proverbium. Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship. No. 20 (2003), Wolfgang Mieder, ed., University of Vermont, 2003, pp. 331-344.

10. Petrova, Roumyana. Teaching English through Englishness or Englishness in English. – In: Journal of Linguistic Studies. Rata, Georgeta, editor-in-chief. II, No. 2. 2009, pp. 23-30.

Skype: roumyana.petrova


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