
Title, name

Barmak Mykola


Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk


The Head of Ukrainian History Chair, PhD (Doctor of Historical Sciences)

Teaching Experience

20 years

Major Fields of Scientific research

Socio-Economic History, International Relationship, the History of State Administration, Law

Membership in Scientific or Professional Bodies


International Experience

studium Europy Wschodniej Universitetu Warszawskego (Poland, Warsaw)

Participation in Projects


Principal publications (max10)

1. German, Czech and Jewish Population of Volyn Region (1796 – 1914 рр.). – Ternopil: Aston, 1999. – 208 p.

2. State Service in Russian Empire: jurisdiction foundations of the establishment and the functioning of the civil servants corps (ХVІІІ – the first half of ХІХ cent.). – Ternopil: Aston, 2006. – 288 p.

3. The Formation of Governing Institutions of the Russian Empire on the territory of the Right Bank Ukraine (the end of the XVIII – first half of the ХІХ ст.). – Ternopil: Aston, 2007. – 512 p.


M.Kryvonosa St., 2, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46027
Tel: 00352535901


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